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ColEm is a portable emulator of the old ColecoVision videogame console. It should run most ColecoVision games and supports Coleco's SuperAction controllers with spin wheels.

You can always get the latest ColEm binaries, source code, and support files from:



There are versions of ColEm for many platforms, with Windows, MSDOS, Unix, and Symbian ports being maintained by myself. All these ports are available for free from the above website.


The ColEm-Symbian port works on the 3rd Edition Series60 phones from Nokia and its licensees. You can download it, as well as my other Symbian products, at http://fms.komkon.org/EmuSymbian/


ColEm is written in portable C and thus can be ported to any sufficiently fast computing platform. The current ColEm source code distribution includes portable core sources and platform-specific sources for Windows and MSDOS. The ColEm-Unix sources are also available, for a slightly older version of ColEm.


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