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PPSSPP 1.1.1


PPSSPP is a portable PSP emulator written in C++, and translates PSP CPU instructions directly into optimized x86, x64 and (soon) ARM machine code, using an efficient JIT compiler.

PPSSPP can thus run on quite low-spec hardware, including stronger Android phones and tablets, as long as there's support for OpenGL ES 2.0.


Fixes a few crash bugs in 1.1.

  • Fixed new crash in Persona and other games on ARM64, like Galaxy S6
  • Fixed crashes when trying to launch web browser when not present on Android, like on Android TV
  • Fix crash in games that used "depal" functionality (OpenGL)
  • Fixed rounding mode problems in the JITs
  • Fix crash when loading savestates many times, and savestate compatibility on Android-x86
  • Fix minor glitch in Ridge Racer




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