Larper64 is a half-hearted attempt at a fast and compatible LLE N64 emulator.
- You'll need to have romspifdata.bin in the directory of the executable otherwise it will crash.
- Z64 ROM format has been used and tested though others should work.
- You can also load single file 7z compressed ROMs as well.
- Target framerate for interlaced games is 30 FPS.
- Only US/Japan region is implemented for now.
Unimplemented stuff:
- 3D: Arrow keys
- A: A
- B: S
- Z: D
- Start: Enter
- L/R: Q/W
- C-pad: IKJL
- TAB: Hard Reset
- BACKSPACE: Fast-forward/unthrottle (hold to fast-forward/release to resume normal)