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Yanese is a free Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator for Windows XP,Vista, 7 and 8 under x86 and x64 processors.

What it futures:

NTSC, PAL, Dendy NES Emulation

GUI: Rom list navegable with the Keyboard and the Gamepad (if one is found). Pressing the 4 NES buttons while playing will close the game and returns to the library.

ROMS Library: Subdir /roms is scanned automatically if you add or delete roms.

Drag and Drop: Drag a .NES file to the window or to the .exe or shortcut and it will load the rom.

Command Line: You can pass the path of the rom via command line

Video Recording: Record video of what you are playing in three differents qualities. *Only* avaiblable in "Pixel Aspect Ratio" Mode.

Full Screen: "Alt + Enter" to toggle to fullscreen and back again. Fullscreen implies "Scale2x".

Volume control: Popup window with "right click" to control volume.

Scale2x on PPU "Pixel Aspect Ratio": This smooth pixels and shapes.

Gamepads: Up to 2 gamepads for playing and one for navigating the "roms" library with autodetection, pluglabble and unpluggable capabilities.

Mappers: MAPPER 0, UNROM, CNROM, MMC1, MMC2, MMC3, MMC4, MMC5 (partial), AOROM,  BxROM, #58, #66, #91, #118, #189, #226.


Yanese - Yet Another NES Emulator



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