Elf is an open source RCS Elf / ComX-35 emulator.
- Up to 64k of ram
- 6 operating modes:
- Standard - Operates like the elf project in Popular Electronics
- Elf II - Operates like the Netronics Elf II system
- Super Elf - Operates like the Quest Super Elf system
- Studio II - Operates like the Studio II game console
- ComX-35 - Operates like the ComX-35 computer. Thanks to Marcel van Tongeren for the technical info for this.
- Cidelsa - Operates like the Cidelsa 1802 based arcade machine
- Pixie Graphics - As described in Popular Electronics
- VT-100 Terminal emulation - Works in Elf II Giant Board serial mode (Q and EF4)
- IDE interface with 2 30mb drives
- Rudimentary 6847 video controller support
- Currenty runs on Unix/Linux, I have compiled this on windows, but it is a bit touchy
- Includes source code (c)