Classic99 is a open source Texas Instruments TI99/4A emulator for Windows 2000 and up.
Classic99 runs most stuff fine:
- System ROMs and many cartridges are INCLUDED under license from Texas Instruments
- boots and runs all console OS functions (except cassette I/O) and TI BASIC correctly
- most modules seem to work fine
- XB/Atarisoft/Jon379/SuperSpace cartridge bank switching supported
- full sound emulation of all channels
- Speech implemented for both speech ROMs and external speak
- keyboard CRU scanning implemented
- joystick support
- 9901 timer supported
- disk supports V9T9 files, TIFILES/Xmodem files, Windows native files, V9T9 DSK and PC99 DSK images (DSK images are readonly)
- DirectX Windowed and FullScreen, as well as nonDirectX windowed modes.
- Full Sprite collision detection (by pattern)
- Numerous video filter options (HQ4X, 2xSAI, SuperEagle, NTSC, etc)
- Integrated debugger with single step
- PS/2 keyboard emulation builtin
- Mousedriven menu selection (doubleclick on screen)
- 1MB Super AMS card supported
- Full source code included