ZB81 UxR is a Sinclair ZX 81 emulator for Windows.
Which is a updated release based on Chris Cowley's vb81 Version 1.30
Primary designed to had New functionalities in vb81 (screen shot and Zx81 programmers tools...), this release isn't really an Vb81 update, but a Vb81 Toolbox.
But while add-on coding, several peripherals had been implemented and some of partial ZX81 functionalities had been added.
This feature able to use the original VB81 codes, with many Extra-Peripherals to link your emulated ZX81 to the Windows environment.
Supported devices:
- Zx Printer : black & white, dithered.
- Memotech Rampack 64kb (8-16kb ram segment), 16kb, 2kb and 1kb.
- Memotech Memo-Calc Rom.
- Memotech HGR Graphic Card.
- G007 Graphic Card.
- QuickSilva HI-RES graphic card.
- QuickSilva UDG graphic card.
- QuickSilva [AY-3] sound card.
- AGB UDG graphic card.
- AGB [AY-3] sound card.
- VTR // Fuller [AY-3] sound card.
- VTR // ZON-x81 [AY-3] sound card.
- VTR -Mageco SPO256-AL2 NARRATOR Speech engine card.
- Larken 5'1/4 disks controller card.
- Mageco 3'1/2 disks controller card.
- Display inverter card.
- 8255 I/O card with Centronics output.
- AGB – Joystick II card.
- An inboard Basic compilator.
- Retrive text files (TXT or BAS files) or write a text file using Save «MYPRG.TXT »
- A powerfull file explorer.
- Disassembler/debugger with Rom comments.
- A real-time binary editor.
- A variables viewer.(strings, arrays...)
- A real time UDG creator window.(Software/QuickSilva & AGB cards)
- A type-in tool to change assembler in REMs lines.
- A binary comparator.
- ASM-2 Fast access and in-board viewer/editor.
- Assembler window to import or export ASM mnemonics.
- CBI Fast access.
- A Fig Forth editor et precompilator (ACE Jupiter compatible).
- A « Easy key » window to enter comands, functions and graphics characters.
- An output Wav trigger with 3 kinds of harmonics.
- An input Wav loader (Wav to P files converter).
- An inboard FAST SAVE generator
- (Stand-alone in a wav file using SAVE « MYPRG.FL » at Basic prompt)
- “Copy” rom hack (32x24) for the ZxPrinter.
- ASM Breaker (“advanced Break”)
- ASCII & BMP Screen shot. ( 32 & 34 Col.)
- Memory, Basic , D_File tools.
- A picture digitalizer.
- A « Easy Draw » window tool to paint your Zx81's screen.
- A multi-columns generator to print a single page listing (ZxPrinter window).
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