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Saturn.emu 1.5.12


Saturn.emu is a Sega Saturn emulator for Android and iOS based devices ported from the Yabause sources.

  • The core emulation is based on Yabause and can load cue/iso/bin files
  • This app is considered beta and unsupported, do not report any issues for the time being
  • Sound is disabled by default but is supported
  • If the default auto-frameskip mode runs very slowly on your device, consider using a fixed frameskip which runs the game in slow-motion but offers better input responsiveness
  • Dynarec for the SH CPUs is supported and enabled by default on Android & WebOS. When switching between SH modes, the setting is applied upon the next game launched, resetting a game in progress continues to use the current SH core. Currently this setting isn't saved.
  • Save states are incompatible between the SH dynarec/interpreter and will crash if loaded in the incorrect mode
  • The app doesn't have an icon so you'll see a generic one for now


What's new in this version:

  • Added an option to control if the on-screen controls automatically re-appear when the screen is touched even if a gamepad is connected, this feature was added in 1.5.10 but can now be manually controlled (accidentally omitted in last update)
  • Android: Fixed non-working Joystick Axis 1 as D-Pad setting from 1.5.11
  • Android: Improved text input with full text editing capabilities (selections, cut & paste, etc.)







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