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Apr 22, 2013

YoshiNES a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator written in Visual Basic has bee updated for Windows.

YoshiNES is a Visual Basic Nes emulator. It's a modification of BasicNES, made by Don Jarret and David Finch. The BasicNES is a good emulator, but can be better. The YoshiNES have more stuff than BasicNES, like Pattern Table view, Pallete viewer, a lot of mappers, more filters, and more ...


Jul 24, 2012

YoshiNES a Visual Basic Nes emulator for Windows has been updated.

YoshiNES is a Visual Basic Nes emulator. It's a modification of BasicNES, made by Don Jarret and David Finch. The BasicNES is a good emulator, but can be better. The YoshiNES have more stuff than BasicNES, like Pattern Table view, Pallete viewer, a lot of mappers, more filters, and more...


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