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Emu64 is a low-level emulation program, which emulates the Commodore 64 on a PC running Windows.


The operation of Emu64 is simpler than that of a real C64. All important functions are accessible with the mouse. Not only the C64 was modeled, but also various extra hardware such cassette, floppy drive or the use of modules. There are many other features for easy user as the experienced programmer available.




  • Bugfix: SyncFound in Floppy1541Class
  • [issue # 170 ] D64 Directory list in the FloppyWindow is now updated immediately when there are changes in the image
  • Ocode "BIT" in 6502 & 6510 revised
  • [issue # 173 ] Fix sound problem when formatting disc
  • Pepto Luminaz levels built in. First VICII revision has only 5 luminance levels, all others 9
  • You can now choose whether the luminance level of the first or the following revisions should be used
  • Video CRT emulation revised and based on Pepto
  • [issue # 171 ] All file names that are converted from a QString to char * are now handled by .toLocal8Bit previously toUtf8
  • [issue # 175 ] Filename is now correctly specified during export, and any spaces left at the end are removed
  • NMI & IRQ revised. (6510 & 6502)
  • Bugfix: in the Floppy1541Class, all drives were always emulated even though they were switched off
  • Bugfix: mos6502 + mos6510 irq_delay
  • Bugfix: Warp mode
  • Bugfix: Debugger - Breakgroups Save & Load works again
  • [issue # 181 ] Pause button in the C64SpeedWindow works again.
  • [issue # 180 ] When reading the CPU from the address 0xde00 - 0xdfff, the last VIC value read is always read from the first phase of the clock cycle.
  • [issue # 185 ] If the emu64.ini or the corresponding entry is missing, all windows are shown in the middle of the screen.
  • Comandline command --reset-ini can now be placed anywhere. So far --reset-ini had to be in the first place to be executed.
  • [issue # 176 ] Magic Desk Cartridge is now implemented, but first read-only.
  • [issue # 106 ] New Comandline command --minimized added
  • crossbuild-win-releases.sh revised (SHA512 checksum edition)
  • Added audio oscilloscope for SID output

Changes from Ziras


several cross-platform and packaging fixes

  • add "lrelease" to src.pro CONFIG, so it doesn't have to be invoked manually, helping packagers to use their standard qmake-based rules
  • add hardcoded version string to src.pro which is used when building from a release archive instead of a git repo (which is normal when building packages)
  • add fallbacks for unknown operating systems and processor architectures, assume unknown operating systems are POSIX compliant
  • add explicit support for FreeBSD

fix some build / install issues

  • on non-windows platforms, enable a default PREFIX of / usr / local
  • move documentation files to $ PREFIX / share / doc
  • fix lrelease issue, work around https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-77398 by adding explicit install commands for the .qm files


Anmeldung - Emu64





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